Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Monday, April 11, 2022

Guy Tries To Pay Back Girl $1, Turns Into A Back-And-Forth That Ends Up With Them Married With 3 Kids


What is the worth of one dollar? If someone asked from you, you may end up with iTunes. In 1920 one dollar could buy 5 pounds of sugar and in millenniums it ended in hamburger. If someone says that one single dollar is having the power to change a life by bringing hope you may laugh. But yes it’s true. It has more power than you give.

According to Jason, he brought a bright, happy and awesome future which costs only one dollar brings. By spending a single dollar, he able to build up a lovely wife with 3 kids with a glowing future.

This surprising story begins in the 9th grade of the school. They both were on a band trip. The girl bought a packet of gum with her own money for the boy she likes. By being gentlemen this boy needs to repay it with a one-dollar note. But she simply refuses to take it while they both return the note from one to one. “It was a way for us to flirt back and forth. This was in junior high and high school, so we had to get creative with it. Friends gave us a lot of different ideas too” Jason recalls his memory.

One Dollar Story (1)
One Dollar Story (1)
One Dollar Story (1)
One Dollar Story (1)

Since she didn’t accept it he mailed a note to her house. But as usual, she sent it back. So he put “Will you go out with me” in a note where he got a reply as “Yes”. Since it’s a clue for a cheerful end he waited for 4 years and again wrote “will you marry me?” in the same note. So as same as the fairy tale their love stays 15 in year happy married life and they have three children now. Even its almost 15 years they didn’t spend the dollar note which tight them together.

One Dollar Story (1)

Jason gives the message for the people who are struggling to ask out their crush on. Even it gives heartbreaks or disappointments you have to face it since it’s the faith. “Try your best to make that feeling motivation. I still remember handing off that 1 dollar bill after writing on it. I was dying inside from nerves. Every one of my friends said she would say yes. Every one of her friends said she would say yes. But, still, I was the most nervous I would be in my life until my son was being born. I still have the One dollar bill, but in reality, I cashed it in when I married my wife. To me, I couldn’t have invested it in any better way.”


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