Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Monday, April 11, 2022

Devastated Bride Thought that DJ Ruined her First Dance. No One Expected what Followed!


It takes months to plan your wedding day. Every bride tries to create their dream wedding and prays that it all goes off without a hitch. From the dress to the venue to cake to DJ or band, you want everything to be flawless.
Unfortunately, I don’t think there has been a wedding in history that hasn’t had something go wrong.
The video was recorded last March of a newlywed couple who’s favorite country artist is Mark Wills, so they chose to waltz to his song “Like There’s No Yesterday.”
Just as they started dancing there were some “technical problems”. Not the best way to begin their married life, right?
The song starts up again, so Brad and Melissa begin to dance as if nothing ever happened. But as Brad turns his bride around to face the stage, her face suddenly drops and she screams “oh my god!” as she backs up.
Right there in front of her, performing one of her favorite songs, is Mark Wills — and her husband was in on the plan the entire time!
But you need to watch the video to witness the roller coaster of emotions for yourself!

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