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Monday, March 21, 2022

Thoughtful Dad Finds Letter In The Car He Bought For His Daughter


Being a teenager can be full of memories, and having your own car is one of the best parts of it.

                  A Challenging Phase

Teenagers face a lot of pressures in life. It’s a time when they go through a lot of changes so it’s important that their parents are present to support them in every possible way.

Meet Kevin

Kevin Duke thought of an exciting gift for his teenage daughter Jada’s birthday – a secondhand car.

He Bought It Early

When he found the best car to give to Jada, he bought it early to drive it around and check to make sure that everything worked.

He Found Something

One day as Kevin was tinkering around, he found a rubber mat inside the compartment. When he pulled it out, he saw that it was a letter addressed to the “new car owner”.

It Was From Sabrina

The letter was from Sabrina Archey, the former owner of the car, who wrote about her fun memories with her daughter in this sweet ride.

A Tragic Backstory

The letter revealed that the car belonged to her mom who passed away in a house fire on February 25, 2015 along with her 6-year-old daughter.

Sabrina’s Request

She ended the letter with a request that says, “If you ever want to sell Sylvia (the car), please try to find me. I just paid for 3 funerals, I can’t afford to buy it right now, but hopefully I’ll be in a better financial situation if you decide later that she’s just not right for you anymore.”

Memories Left Behind

It’s sometimes hard to accept that memories are all that’s left of something or someone, and we’re sure that a lot of us can feel the emotions in Sabrina’s letter.

Watch her heart-melting story in the video below.

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