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Monday, March 21, 2022

Mom Says Gas Prices Are Costing Her Big Bucks To See Her Critically Ill Newborn


In recent weeks the price of gas has skyrocketed, with the national average reaching as high as $4.32 per gallon, according to CNN. Although that’s certainly hurting pocketbooks across the country, for parents of critically sick children, it’s especially painful, seeing as how many of them can’t skip their trips to and from the hospital when gas becomes too pricey.

Tinisha Dominguez of Tulare, California, is one parent affected by the rising gas prices, and she recently spoke out about how much the increase has created a hardship for her family. "It's really hard, but I've got to be strong for all of us," she told ABC 7.

Dominguez, a mom of four, told ABC 7 that her youngest son was diagnosed with a condition that requires life-saving surgery to help him breathe.

"They cut the jaw and put metal plates and rods and then after the surgery, they would distract it for twelve days to bring his jaw forward," she told the news outlet.

The mom said her son’s surgery at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital was a success, but it will still take time for him to recover. She's been staying with him at the hospital, which is in San Francisco.

The problem is Davy is being treated hundreds of miles away from their family.

She told ABC 7 that her husband can only make the three and-a-half-hour drive from Tulare, which is in central California, to the hospital when he can afford it.

"My husband does come back and forth when he can. It is hard due to the gas prices," she said before adding that a round trip can cost more than $300.

The family has turned to a local nonprofit organization to help as prices continue to climb.

But Sara Alexander, executive director of Bay Area There with Care, doesn’t know how long this can continue. She said the organization usually provides assistance to families via care packages or gas cards, but if prices continue to get any higher, it’s going to get tough.

"We are nowhere near being able to meet the demand for gas at the moment," Alexander told ABC 7.

“Knowing that they're having to choose between paying rent, getting food on their table, or filling their gas tanks I mean that's a tremendous amount of stress on families with a sick child,” she shared.

“Previously, we were helping families with $25 to $50 worth of gas and now knowing that a tank of gas can cost more than $100 we recognize there's so much more we can do," Alexander said.

She said the organization is also taking donations to help cover the costs for families struggling to fill the gas tank.

For now, the Dominguezes will continue to pay to go back-and-forth for their son.

But this experience has clearly opened Tinisha Dominguez's eyes.

"Once we're home and settled, my greatest hope is to give back," she said. "To give back to everyone who's given to us. Whatever [people] can give in any amount or whatever it is really it does make it a difference."

As for Davy, the mom said she’s trying to stay hopeful. "I'm just waiting for the day for us all to be together again.”


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