Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Thinking driver accᎥdentally dropped water bottle, 1-year-old boy innocently picked it up to return to its owner and made him shy


Thinking the driver had dropped a water bottle on the sidewalk, the 1-year-old boy ran to pick it up and returned it to the “dropper”.

On January 6, 2020, a video shows a young boy picking up an empty water bottle thrown on the sidewalk and returning it to the “dropper”. This action has melted many people.

It is known that this boy’s name is Sun Jiarui (1 year old), currently living in Tening city, Shandong province, China. This clip was recorded by his mother.

The boy had a nice act that made the driver embarrassed.

Thinking the driver dropped water bottle, the boy picked it up.

At the beginning of the video, you can see a 1-year-old boy who looks like a cute polar bear, with a backpack on his back walking slowly on the sidewalk.

Sun Jiarui was walking when he saw that from the car in front, the driver had thrown an empty plastic bottle onto the sidewalk. Seeing that, Sun Jiarui walked a little faster and approached, bent down and picked up the empty bottle and gave it back to the driver.

Ms. Jing Lulu, Sun Jiarui’s mother, said that on that day, she and her son were walking in a residential area.

“Perhaps at that time my son thought the bottle had fallen out of the car by accident. Sun Jiarui is a very simple child. If he sees someone drop something, I always help by picking it up and returning it.”

Currently, Sun Jiarui is only 1 year and 3 months old, so perhaps the sense of environmental protection has not been formed, but your actions have taught the driver a lesson,” said Sun Jiarui’s mother proudly.

Ms. Jing Lulu also shared that, after returning the bottle to the driver, Sun Jiarui ran back to her mother, and the driver in the car was silent and did not say anything more.

Many people praise baby Sun Jiarui

After sharing the above clip, many people have given their praise to Sun Jiarui’s beautiful action.

“It is true that behavior does not depend on age.”

“Good job, kid. Keep up the good work.”

“Sometimes children even put adults to shame.”

“So cute and kind at the same time. Too cute.”

Adorable boy Sun Jiarui was dubbed as a future environmentalist by netizens.

Besides, people also give the anonymous driver in that luxury car negative comments. And netizens also think that the driver is probably embarrassed because his consciousness is not as good as a boy’s.

“The baby is too cute and the driver should be embarrassed.”

“Riding a luxury car, but not as conscious as a 1-year-old boy”.

Through this story, it can be seen that this boy was really conscious from a very young age. And perhaps the upbringing of the mother contributed to the formation of this boy’s character.

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