Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Mom goes into labour twice in less than 48 hours—after realising there is a second baby coming an hour after delivering the first baby


A FIRST time mum who had been expecting to give birth to just one baby was stunned when doctors told her she was having TWINS – after a gruelling 47-hour labour.

Nicole Ziesemer had just gone through a very long and complicated childbirth when she surprised everyone in the labour room that there was a second baby.

Married couple Nicole and Matthew Ziesemer were excited to become first-time parents and had prepared for the arrival of a new baby whose gender they didn’t know.

But they had another surprise when doctors went to stitch Nicole, 31, up post-birth and realised she was still in labour after spotting a ‘second head’. And 59 minutes later, a little boy was born who they decided to call Cade.

New mum Nicole, from Grand Haven, Michigan, USA, had opted for a natural pregnancy without scans so had no idea they were expecting two babies.

The couple, from Michigan, U.S, had a ‘natural pregnancy’, and only had one scan – the day she went into labour – but it’s thought Cade was ‘hiding’ behind his sister Bekeley, so wasn’t spotted.

The decision to have a natural pregnancy meant no painkillers, scans, and even a home birth which Nicole and Mathew weren’t able to follow through as she went into labour earlier than expected.

After being in labour for more than 45 hours, the expectant mum asked for an epidural which, alongside a suction device, helped to successfully deliver her daughter at 10.06pm on December 30, 2017, weighing 4lbs 4oz.

But doctors grew worried as instead of the pain subsiding, Nicole was still in agony after the delivery.

They were due to stitch Nicole’s vagina up, but realised that something else was in there so ordered an emergency ultrasound which confirmed their suspicions that there was another baby in there.

Nicole gave birth again 59 minutes later to a baby boy, weighing 5lbs.

Even though the whole childbirth was a rollercoaster of emotions for both the couple and the midwives, it ended happily with their babies being born healthy

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