Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Pregnant woman insists on refusing all treatments so she can give birth to a healthy baby


In order to protect her child’s life, this mother suffered all the pain and refused all treatments.

In 2016, the touching story of Dau Thi Huyen Tram, 25 years old, working in Ha Tinh province’s police station in Vietnam took away many people’s tears. Tram got married in early 2016 and was happy when she knew she was pregnant with her first child. However, she seemed dumbfounded when she learned that she had lung ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ at week 19 of her pregnancy.

Feeling a little scared about the terrible ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ, Tram kept calm to continue fighting the disease. Despite being advised by doctors to terminate the pregnancy for cancer treatment, Tram insisted on refusing radiation therapy, chemotherapy. Instead, she decided to sacrifice herself to keep her unborn baby healthy. Cancer cells gradually spread in her whole body.

On July 10, her health became worse, so doctors performed an operation to save Tram and her baby. The surgical team was extremely emotional when seeing doctors operating on Tram in a sitting position because they were unable to anesthetize or inject sedation, but only under spinal anesthesia. After the doctors’s efforts, Tram’s newborn baby cried to say hello to the world at the age of 29 weeks. The baby boy was born weighing 1.2kg and transferred to the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology for further care and treatment.

Tram’s health changed for worse and doctors said it was too difficult to prolong Tram’s life. After a lot of pain, Tram could enjoy the happiness of being a mother but after that, on July 27, 2016, at 2 pm, Tram breathed her last in the infinite grief of her family and colleagues.

Seventeen days of being a mother and fighting ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ, but that was not enough to keep her from terrible disease. The great motherhood helped her fight the physical pain. Now, she can rest in peace and her baby will surely always be proud of having such a great mother.

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