Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Mom On Life Support Makes Miraculous Recovery And Finally Gets To Hold Newborn Son


Autumn Carver is a real-life, walking, talking miracle.

This mom was on life support and made a miraculous recovery and finally gets to hold her newborn son.

Autumn and her husband Zach were excited to be pregnant with their third child, especially after experiencing several miscarriages. Even in the middle of the pandemic, they had found joy and looked forward to the birth of their son.

But in August, both Autumn and Zach contracted C.O.V.I.D.

For Zach, he experienced a fever but Autumn’s health continued to go downhill. Autumn was then admitted to the hospital. After checking her condition, her medical team realized the virus was attacking her lungs and they had no choice but to intubate her.

Mom On Life Support Makes Miraculous Recovery

As her health continued to decline, the medical team delivered her son Huxley at 33 weeks and then placed Autumn Carver on life support. No one knew if this new mom would ever wake up to hold her baby boy or go home to her new family of five. Yet, after two months Autumn finally woke up.

Autumn’s severe battle with C.O.V.I.D prevented her from meeting her newborn — but thanks to her improving condition, she finally had the chance to hold him.

It was an emotional day on Oct. 19, when Autumn Carver, 34, reunited with her son Huxley nearly two months after his birth, according to a Facebook post from her husband Zach Carver.

Once the doctors moved her out of isolation, she finally got to meet her precious baby boy. It had been seven weeks since Huxley had been delivered!

Autumn Carver Goes Home For The Holidays

Before Autumn Carver was released to go home from the hospital, she Facetimed her daughter Sadie and asked her what she wanted for Christmas. Her little girl had the perfect answer: For Mommy to come home for Christmas!

“I tried to ask Sadie, who is 4, what she wanted for Christmas and bless her little heart, the only thing she could come up with is that she wanted mommy to come home,” Autumn said.

Sadie did get her wish. Autumn is home recovering from her battle. She may have to get a lung transplant in the future but Autumn is recovering well and her little family is blessed and thriving now that their miracle mom is home!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

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