Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Sunday, December 25, 2016

You Will Be Blown Away By This Dance Once You Watch It. So Amazing!

Nurses who take care of the elderly folks have revealed surprising things: the folks wish they could have learnt how to dance while on their beds.

They wish they knew to do the real dance that requires practice— not any kind of boogie. Though Beatriz Soto has a short time to live, she is living life to the fullest and achieving dreams many could have wished to.

She is a Kizomba specialist and a professional dancer if you have never known of it. I also was not aware of it. Her unique sensual style of dancing made me to do some research about it. I had earlier on thought it originated from Latin America only to be surprised it was from Africa — Angola to be precise.

Though it is not that easy to do this new dancing style, you can learn it through practice and give a mesmerizing performance like the one over here.

Watching this dance which had been posted by Soto on her page won’t disappoint you!

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