Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The nurses don’t even wash the baby when it’s born. The reason is life-threatening.

Expecting a baby evokes the most special kinds of feelings that a couple can share with each other. Dustin und Sierra Yoder from Boston were so desperately looking forward to the birth of their second son.
Youtube/ Boston Children's Hospital
But during her fifth month of pregnancy, Sierra got some terrible news: her unborn child was suffering from encephalocele. This is where a person's brain grows outside the cranium and is protected only by a thin scalp. The doctors didn't want to give Sierra any false hope and told her that the baby would probably survive the pregnancy, but would die shortly after birth, at the latest.
Youtube/ Boston Children's Hospital
But after her little son came into the world, he shouted loudly and vigorously, like any healthy child. Although the nurses wouldn't even bathe or wash him, he did not give up. Little Bentley, as Sierra and Dustin named him, wanted to live!
Youtube/ Boston Children's Hospital
Again, the doctors tried to prepare the parents for the fact that their baby wouldn't survive very long. But they were wrong again. Bentley became stronger with each passing day, clinging on to life. But he faced life-threatening danger every day, as even the smallest impact could cause him brain damage.
Youtube/ STAT
The parents weren't prepared to give up on him, and desperately searched for a surgeon who wouldn't dishearten them by telling them to accept the imminent death of their son. And they found him: Dr. John Meara from the Boston Children's Hospital gave them the hope they so desperately sought. 
Youtube/ STAT
He designed a 3D model of Bentley's head and came up with a method for operating on the little boy.
Youtube/ STAT
He planned to open up Bentley's head, the same way that petals of a flower open up, in order to make room for his brain. Of course, this operation was not an everyday occurrence for surgeons and was dangerous for the baby. But Sierra and Dustin wanted to use every opportunity that presented itself.
Youtube/ STAT
When Bentley was 7 months old, the surgeons opened up his skull. For Sierra and Dustin, the hours of uncertainty had began. Would their baby boy make it?
Youtube/ STAT
Never before had an operation such as this been attempted. The surgeons fought for the baby's life for five long hours. Dr. Meara is certain that the operation would not have been successful 10 years ago. Medical advancements have fortunately come a long way since then. And it was an absolute miracle, Bentley survived!
Youtube/ STAT
His parents couldn't believe their luck. Just to think that about a year ago, their son was almost given up on. And now, here he is kicking away as content as can be in his mom's arms. His parents never would have believed this was possible.
Youtube/ STAT
No one knows exactly what the future has in store for Bentley. Whether he will be able to walk or talk is unclear because his case is a first in its kind. But with such parents by his side, who have never given up on him, he has the best support he could ever hope for. Here you can watch a video about Bentley's story:
It's so wonderful that Sierra and Dustin did everything in their power to save their baby. They struggled and fought like lions for their child's life. One thing is certain, with so much love and patience, they will be able to overcome any other hurdles together as a family. They deserve all the respect in the world for what they have gone through and survived.

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