Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Monday, May 2, 2016

The caretaker doesn’t know that she’s being filmed as she presses a dirty diaper in the old woman’s face.

Life is full of hard work and life is full of dedication to your family and your kids. We all hope to be able to enjoy our free time during our retirement. But many people require help in their old age, because they are no longer able to live alone. Care often takes place at old folks' homes when children have no way of taking care of their parents. Camille Parent from Peterborough, Ontario also had to resort to this because he did not have the time and the place to look after his old and sick mother.
He didn't feel comfortable with this thought at all. How could a home provide the care and attention that he wanted for his beloved mother? Since she suffers from Alzheimers, he could not ask her about the circumstances under which she was treated when he wasn't around.
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
But one day he discovered something that shocked him a lot: his mother had a black eye! How could that happen? Nobody at the old folks' home wanted or could give him an answer to that, it seemed.
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
This experience shocked him so much that he decided to get answers to his questions himself. Secretly he got a so-called nanny cam - this device is normally used as a hidden camera to give some insight into how a nanny is treating a child. But what this camera discovered in the old folks' home is so awful that Camille never expected it.
Initially you see how a caretaker blows his nose with the bed sheets that he is putting on the bed for Camille's mother, Helen.
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
Then you see how two caretakers grope and kiss each other with no respect while they are in the room of the old woman. Disturbed she turns away as if she is embarrassed. But what's much worse than this molestation is the following: a caretaker takes a dirty diaper from Helen. As if it weren't bad enough knowing that you can't go to the bathroom alone anymore, this heartless woman takes the diaper and wags it in front of her victim's face! How can someone be so cruel?
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
Even other residents of the home are constantly coming into Helen's room no matter whether she's there or not. They get into her private things and take what they want. No caretakers stop them. The residents are partially demented and can not be held responsible for their behavior. The behavior of the personnel, however, cannot be understood! The last thing you see on the video is how brutally they handle Helen as they put on a new fresh diaper.
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
Helen is clearly in pain! But no one cares about the old woman since she just forgets everything right away at any rate. Her son is shocked to his core, "How am I ever going to be able to trust again? How can anyone trust anyone again now?"
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
When the CEO of the old folks' home is shown the video, he is also speechless. "This is not acceptable! I will make sure that abuse of this nature is prevented in the future!"
Youtube/ Everyone Matters
But what happened cannot be undone! Camille is probably never going to be able to trust someone with his mother again. He is too disappointed and enraged to do so. He hopes that his mother does not deal with any lasting damage from this bizarre treatment. When a person you love is mistreated, you should not accept that!
In this video you can see the recordings of what happened but be warned: it is disturbing and cruel!

Of course, horrors are not the norm. Most caretakers live out their career with a huge heart and are the most important supporters in such institutions. Therefore, it is all the more important to expose black sheep like these. Because no one wants to experience something like this.

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