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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Reduce Your Waistline Overnight Literally With This So Called “Bomb”

Everything today, foods and health remedies are made from instant recipes because people need instant solution for their situation.
Weight issues and skin problems are among those problems people want instant solution for. Women with wide waistline often feel embarrassed when they need to dress up and go out. We present you with a liquid bomb that will shrink your waistline significantly.
Lose 1 cm overnight with this liquid bomb
You’ll just need apple cider vinegar and grapefruit to prepare this tasty drink for waistline reduction.
Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of grapefruit juice and a teaspoon of honey. Blend the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogenous liquid.
It is ideal to consume this every day before lunch and dinner. The results will be visible after only one week.
The reviews about this drink say that most women lost 1 cm right away. Believe it or not, it is a one week transformation.
It might sound ridiculous but it works better than any other painful treatment. It is effective because it removes the fat under your waist. It also benefits the brain function, hearing, vision and memory. Refreshing and healthy, what more can you ask for, right?
Waistline reducer
Another quick drink that can help you achieve smaller waist is made of ginger, lime, citrus, pear, cucumber and melon. More precisely, you’ll need one cup of diced melon, 1 cucumber, 1 pear, 1 lemon and half a tablespoon of fresh ginger to make this magic drink. First of all, squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits, then add the remaining ingredients and blend them in a blender.
Stir the juice for a few seconds, then pour ti into a glass and garnish according to taste. Drink and enjoy while your waistline gets thinner and thinner.
The vitamin C in citrus fruits speeds up your metabolism and boosts the absorption. Melons are very beneficial for losing waistline fat. You can also eat melon naturally to suppress cravings for something sweet and improve your immunity. Cucumber is efficient in burning fat around the abdomen because it lowers water retention.
Pears are high in fiber so they are also beneficial for weight loss. To sum up, this beverage helps you get thin waist and obtain a slim figure.
Give these two magic drinks a try and see the result in one week. You can also do the vacuum pose daily to go along with the drink. Don’t spend a fortune on trying to reduce your waistline, instead, go with these drinks.
Have a healthy day with these natural beverages.

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