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Friday, September 2, 2022

Random British Couple Flabbergasted When Keanu Reeves Crashes Their Wedding Reception


Celebrity wedding crashes can definitely put the wedding in a completely different light. What was supposed to be a poignant moment for the bride and the groom usually turns incredible. And this is what exactly happened when Keanu Reeves made an unplanned appearance at the wedding reception for a couple. To be perfectly honest, the appearance of such a celebrity can often be the refresher that the couple needs. After all, planning a wedding can never be easy. According to a survey conducted in 2020, it was found that around 2,000 newlyweds believe that planning a wedding is extremely stressful. In fact, close to 71% believe that planning a wedding is more stressful than getting a job. 

See, one can never expect a moment to go exactly as planned. Sometimes things can go north or south, and the best way to deal with them would be to go with the flow. Therefore, when it comes to a wedding, there can be some ups and downs during the event. Although the couple would want things to go as smoothly as possible- that doesn’t really happen. Naturally, it becomes important that the couple doesn’t lose their head on what could be one of the most important days of their life. And as it turns out, having a star like Keanu Reeves gatecrash one’s party can often add a little something to the proceedings. 

The couple from the United Kingdom, Nikki and James Roadnight, would never have expected such a spectacle at their wedding. The couple had decided to tie the knot recently after spending a couple of years together. Their event was supposed to be intimate and close, with their friends, family, and Nikki’s daughter in attendance. What should have been an idyllic event turned surreal when James found out that Keanu Reeves was staying in their wedding hotel.[1]

Keanu Reeves at the UK wedding ceremony besides Nikki and and James.
Image Credits: Nikki Roadnight | Twitter

Keanu Reeves Met Up With A Couple During Their Ceremony

Speaking to Newsweek, Nikki informed, “My husband saw him in the bar area and told him he’d just got married and invited Keanu Reeves to come over to say hello and have a drink with us if he wanted to. He was very friendly and said he would later on. We didn’t know if he would or not but it was cool that my husband had spoken to him!” [2]

After some time, one of the members of the staff approached the couple and informed them that a very special guest wanted to talk to them. Nikki stated that this was an extremely thrilling moment for her. “It was all very exciting and I went to say hi and introduce myself, and I offered him a drink but he declined that and said he’s just had a long flight so wouldn’t stay long but he was so kind and friendly and congratulated us on our wedding. He was kind enough to do some pictures and our wedding photographer was able to capture some too! Then he took the time to speak to some of our guests and have more photos done!

The appearance of Keanu Reeves at the wedding definitely left the guests a little dazed. And one can assume that it was a major talking point on her big day. Nikki mentioned, “My mum, Jo, took photos and shouted for everyone to yell ‘Speed’ as she took the photo. We laughed about that as it’s one of his older films! We are big fans. I absolutely loved The Matrix movies and really big fans of the John Wick films too! It was so cool!” A special day for the couple was turned even more special. The bride stated, “The wedding was absolutely perfect anyway and we had the most magical day. Keanu Reeves dropping by to say hello was just out of this world. Something to remember and the start of many more adventures together.

Nikki with Keanu Reeves.
Image Credits: Nikki Roadknight | Twitter

The Excitement Remained Even After The Honeymoon

After their honeymoon spent in Crete, Nikki mentioned, “I was blown away. Keanu Reeves is my favorite film star so if I could have picked anyone to meet it would be him. For it to happen on my wedding day was out of this world. He held my hand, gave me a cuddle, and said congratulations- it was just surreal. At the time my bridesmaid had been fixing my dress when somebody from the venue said there’s a special guest outside. I walked into the courtyard and there he was. Keanu Reeves was at our reception. I think I blurted out some words like ‘welcome to our wedding, my name is Nikki, do you want a drink?

Nikki’s husband James went on to add, “Earlier in the day I was at the bar and a member of staff said Keanu Reeves was staying. So me being me, I went out to the beer garden where he was having a pint to introduce myself to him. I shook his hand, told him it was my wedding day, and said it would be great if you come to the reception later.

Meeting Keanu Reeves At One’s Wedding Would Definitely Be The Highlight Of Their Year

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Keanu Reeves has photobombed a wedding party. In 2018, he stumbled across Moray and Maura- a newly wedded couple- just after their New York City ceremony. This aligned perfectly with his 2018 movie- Destination Wedding.  The producer of the groom’s outfit, Slanj Kitlz, tweeted, “Best #Wedding Picture EVER! Moray & Maura recently got hitched in New York and were #photobombed by a rather scruffy chap passing by. We think Moray looks way better than #KeanuReeves in his stylish @slanjkilts.

In the September of 2018, he was staying at the Dream Inn in Santa Cruz, which was also the place for the wedding of Jarrod and Leslie. Apparently, Jarrod’s mother Darlette was a huge fan of the star. Speaking to ABC, Darlette stated, “To have him there was just the icing on the cake so to speak! I was just like, ‘I can’t believe it’s Keanu Reeves, right there. He was just so sweet, the nicest person. We walked in, he was in his motorcycle gear having a drink and coffee or whatever and we interrupted him and he was so gracious.”[3]

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