Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Sunday, September 4, 2022

Hard-up mother cannot afford to buy a roast chicken: a stranger gives her money


Sometimes we forget how lucky we are being able to afford to buy food for ourselves and our families. But not everyone, in fact, can afford to shop without checking the prices of every item and, unfortunately, more and more people have to deal with a shrinking food budget. A young woman named Nadine Nowrick recently discovered this fact for herself. One evening, after work, she went shopping at her local supermarket to pick up a few things and witnessed a distressing scene.

As she was passing the meat department, she saw another young woman with her daughter who appeared to be about seven years old. The mother was looking for a roast chicken, but she seemed very hesitant about whether or not to buy one. Intrigued, Nadine struck up a conversation with the mother, who asked her what the price of a chicken was.

Nadine replied, "The chickens here are good, tasty and cheap. At just $ 4.99, it's a great buy." Embarrassed, the mother then asked Nadine if it was $ 4.99 for the whole chicken or per kilo. Nadine surmised that the young mom might not be able to afford the chicken, but she replied with a smile that it was$ 4.99 for a whole chicken. "We talked a little more, she thanked me and took one," said Nadine. At this point, Nadine decided to do a good deed.

While the young mom was choosing a chicken, Nadine secretly dropped some money in her handbag and then left. Later, the two young women found themselves in line at parallel cash desks and, when the mother opened her handbag to pay, she found the money Nadine had dropped into it. The look of surprise and joy on the woman's face was heart-warming.

Many people were impressed and moved by Nadine's kindness: "Ok now I'm crying. I was a young single mother of 3 kids. Let me tell you ... an angel just like you did the same for my family. I didn't really know how I was going to feed my children that week. A random stranger put some money in my bag. I never knew who he or she was," wrote one commentor. "Awww, Nadine, God bless you and thank you for your wonderful gesture. You made my day," commented another person. Young Nadine has actually taught us that a small gesture is enough to make a big difference in someone's life.


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