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Friday, March 25, 2022

Woman rescues Ukraine puppy trapped on balcony for five days during bombings


While many Ukrainians flee their homeland in search for safety elsewhere, others have no other option but to stay behind as bombs fall overhead.

Pet owners in Ukraine have been forced to make difficult decisions on whether they flee to the UK without their pets or stay in Kyiv with their beloved animals.

One woman who stayed behind has explained how she rescued a traumatised puppy from a small balcony, where he had been trapped for five days as Russians forces descended on the city.

Sharing her war experience on Reddit, she said: “I rescued a dog – he was locked on a balcony from Thursday to Monday without food while we were bombed in Kyiv.

“I have no information about him. His previous owners left without contact information.

She has questioned whether she has the right skills to be able to care for the puppy



“He is now on my balcony – it’s a big warm space with blankets – and I managed to shower him as the stink was unbelievable.”

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have been putting pressure on the UK government to change its strict immigration laws, which have been forcing fleeing Ukrainians to leave cats, dogs and other animals behind.

Currently, all animals entering the UK must be vaccinated, microchipped and test negative for rabies – but PETA say this is impossible for Ukrainians to achieve during such a difficult time.

Neighbouring Romania, Poland and Hungary have relaxed their restrictions, with Polish authorities even funding accommodation and vaccination of pets.

PETA is trying to persuade the UK government to change its immigration laws 



But the UK government is yet to announce any leniency that would allow refugees to arrive with their animal companions.

The woman, who named the six-moth-old puppy Balto, has begun to question the dog’s wellbeing, saying he was “silent” the first day and has since become aggressive.

“Today was the first day I took him out and I realised he has never been outside. During our first walk, he was very chaotic but he learnt the ‘Near’ command during our second,” she added.

“The problem is he does not leave me alone even for a few minutes.

“He tries to bite my boyfriend and is very aggressive towards men. If I lock him in a big room for a few minutes, I come back and he has already pooped and peed.”

While understanding the poor pooch has suffered more than a lifetime’s worth of trauma in just five days, the woman has been seeking advice on whether she should persist with the puppy or rehome him.

She added: “How can I help him? I am afraid he will bite my boyfriend. I am afraid that he will not learn how to go outside and that he will be too connected to me. I just volunteered to save him but maybe I need to find another home for him?”

Wishing her and her family well during this difficult time, one user said: “First, thank you for being this dog’s hero during a time that is incredibly stressful for you.

“Second, my thoughts are that you shouldn’t be concerned about the dog being overly attached to only you.

“Right now, I’d just try to foster the calmest and most loving environment that you possibly can.

“I’d think that any aggression would be largely due to the stress of this situation so try to just do what you can to show him he is safe.

“Lastly, I hope he is able to provide comfort to you in return.”

While another added: “I am so sorry that this is happening to you and that the dog went through such trauma.

“I imagine being out on a balcony is a bit triggering for him because he was on one for several days – with bombs going on nearby. It is normal that he would not want to be on a balcony now.

“As others have said, just try to give him as much calm and reassurance as possible. Lots of food and treats from the husband. Don’t force pets or affection on him, let him come to you, seek it out.

“If at some point you’re able to get to a vet, ask about whether anti anxiety medications might be beneficial given his circumstances, to help him overcome the trauma.”


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