Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Pregnant Dog in Desperate Need for Help Collapses in Bushes Near Animal Shelter


An exhausted pregnant stray dog who knew where to find help, collapsed in her way to a nearby shelter animal just 100 feet away.

Expectant mama was hiding a thick undergrowth without being able to move as she was swollen and weighed down by her pregnant belly. It seemed like she was able to reach the shelter because of the dogs’ barking sound.
It was clear from her breasts filled with milk that she was about to give birth at any time.
Gently, the rescuer picked her up and brought her back to their nearby shelter. They found a quiet peaceful place for her and that very night she gave birth to 8 healthy puppies!
She and her puppies are so lucky they were found when they were. The puppies will have a much better chance of finding homes now that they are with the shelter.
Thank you for helping all these dogs. Hopefully they will find them forever homes and will be happy!
Watch the mama’s rescue in the touching video below and share it with your animal-loving friends.

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