Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Surgeons successfully separate conjoined twins during 10-hour operation


When mum-to-be Maggie Altobelli went for her 20-week scan, she was expecting to find out the gender of her baby. Instead, she learnt she was expecting not one, but two babies, and that they were joined at the abdomen.

At that moment, life would change forever for Mrs Altobelli and husband Dom, who are now celebrating back at their home in Chicago in the US, after doctors successfully separated their twin daughters Addison (Addy) and Lilianna (Lily) after a marathon 10-hour surgery.

Now the family has shared their story to raise awareness about the work of the doctors and hospital where the life-changing operation took place.

Maggie and Dom Altobelli at home with their twins Addy and Lily, who were successfully separated late last year. (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)

Mrs Altobelli, 33, told TODAY in the US that despite her belly growing larger than she expected she hadn't guessed she might be having twins until she glanced at the ultrasound screen.

"I was like, 'Oh my gosh, are there two of them?'," she said, before the technician went to get a doctor, who told her she had never seen anything like it in her career, then delivered the news that their stomachs were connected.

For Mrs Altobelli, the moment was surrea

"It was an out-of-body experience. It's like, 'What do you mean their stomachs are connected? Is this even a thing?'," she recalled.

A scan of the twins showing where they were joined. (YouTube)

While initially stunned, Mrs Altobelli said her first thought was "OK, well, we'll separate them", but admitted she had no idea what this entailed, even after doctors warned the family they had a "very long road" ahead.

The couple was referred to a maternal foetal specialist and underwent more tests to ensure the twins didn't share a heart. They were then referred to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where doctors had experience delivering and separating conjoined twins.

After more tests showed the babies shared a diaphragm and a liver, they were told that while this was 'favourable' they still faced a very high-risk delivery and surgery'.

The couple moved to Philadelphia to prepare for the birth. They admitted they were scared but Mrs Altobelli said they also thought "God gave us these girls for a reason".

The couple in hospital with their newborn daughters before they were separated. (Today)

Doctors decided to deliver the girls at 34 weeks via caesarean. They were born on November 18, 2020, and rushed straight to the neonatal intensive care unit where their parents would later hold them for the first time.

"They would need two nurses to pick them up, holding them both," Mrs Altobelli said. "They would slowly bring them over and they would put them in your lap."

For the next weeks, the plan was simple: give the babies time to feed, grow and develop. Behind the scenes, doctor Holly Hedrick was assembling a two-dozen strong team who would perform the separation surgery.

"Then they underwent tissue expansion, which was to help them grow some skin because they shared their chest wall from below the collarbones all the way down to their bellybuttons," Dr Hedrick said.

The twins were joined for about a year before they could be separated. (Today)

In the lead up to the surgery, the girls faced a number of serious health complications.

Sharing a chest meant that breathing was harder, even though they had tracheotomies. As Lily was larger, she dominated their breathing, and even crying could cause a medical emergency for her smaller sister.

"If Lily got upset … she would (control) the breathing," Mrs Altobelli said. "There were times where Addy had coded because she couldn't breathe because Lily would get upset."

Finally, the day of their surgery arrived - October 13, 2021. Radiologists had created a 3D model of the girls' livers that showed the doctors how they were connected.

Two dozen doctors carried out the separation surgery. (YouTube)

"That was a big liver mass," Dr Hedrick said. "We really had to sort out the vasculature — where one liver stops and the other one starts again."

Ultrasounds were carried out during surgery to guide doctors as they separated the liver and diaphragm.

"One baby's injected and then you can see the liver light up for her and then slowly the other one," Dr Hedrick said.

With the liver successfully separated, attention turned to the diaphragm to make sure they would be able to breathe.

"It's like a piston. It goes down when we take a breath in and then when we take a breath out it comes back up," Dr Hedrick said.

The surgery took 10 hours. (YouTube)

The twins were separated at 2.38pm, and Dr Hedrick said they were "really really happy" with how the surgery went and the twins' condition afterwards.

"They did beautifully," she said.

The moment they learnt the surgery had been a success was "very surreal, just very emotional" said Mrs Altobelli. "We're just so lucky to have surgeons who know what they're doing and really worked hard and cared for our girls like they were their own."

After six weeks in hospital recovering, the family was able to fly home to Chicago on December 1, 2021.

The girls made it home in time for Christmas. (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia)

While the girls still have a breathing tube and require a vent, Dr Hedrick is hopeful they'll eventually be able to breathe on their own.

In the meantime, they are having physical, occupation and speech therapy, and practice eating, even though they still have feeding tubes.

They are also getting used to their independence.

"They sit up and look at each other and smile and play," Mr Altobelli said. "Any time they're close they're reaching for each other's hands and faces and breathing tubes."

The family now wants to raise money to support Dr Hedrick's research so she can help more people like them.


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