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Wednesday, January 12, 2022

People Wear Jewelry Made With The Teeth From Their Dead Loved Ones


All of us deal with the loss of a loved one in our own unique way.

Although some people take longer to come to terms with the death of a loved one, others move on with their life by seeking unique ways to celebrate the memories of those who have passed away.

Who’s Making This Interesting Jewelry?

Jacqui from Melbourne, Australia, was already dubbed a “mass murderer,” “grave thief,” and even “Ted Bundy’s Jeweler” by those who are insulted by her unusual approach to jewelry design. Grave Metallum Jewelry works with the teeth, hair, fur, ashes, and bones of the deceased to create tokens for their loved ones to wear.

The 27-year Jacqui has always enjoyed making accessories with her hands, but it wasn’t until her best friend died unexpectedly that her work took a darker turn.

She told, ‘Creating something beautiful with the macabre was my newest favorite.’

‘My obsession with death and how we cope with death grew as I dealt with the sorrow of my loss.’

Not all consumers, however, are grieving. “A friend gave me several of her teeth and asked me to make a necklace,” Jacqui explained.

A ring was also ordered by a customer from the United States to propose to his girlfriend. He provided a tooth he’d had extracted during a dental operation.

Human hair and teeth are legal to buy and sell all over the world, so Jacqui’s orders are never interrupted by customs.

How Can You Order and What’s The Price?

She collaborates with customers to design their pieces before they give her the things they want included.

“They’ll give me what they want, such as a tooth, hair, ashes, or fur, and we’ll take it from there,” Jacqui explained.

Her orders take two to four weeks to complete and range in price from $250 to more than $1000, depending on the design.


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