Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Mistreated Pregnant Dog Shot 17 Times Has Now Become A Registered Therapy Dog


Therapy dogs are slowly trending all over the internet. There’s a reason for it, of course. 30 years ago, no one would have thought dogs could help in therapy. But in today’s time, more and more psychologists are recommending therapy dogs as a great companion for people with mental conditions.

Dogs are also used as companions for people with certain disabilities like a blind person.

Most therapy dogs are treated like royalty due to the amazing service they provide to our society.

But sadly, not every therapy dog has a positive story to tell. Maggie’s journey from an injured, abandoned dog, to a therapy dog is truly heart-wrenching.

Maggie is a middle-aged dog of 5 years who was found in Lebanon.

If you look at her, you might find the image of her hard to digest. One of her ears is cut off, her eyes are closed, blinded, and her jaw is broken. All because she was shot 17 times. Yes, 17 times.

Maggie was found in a box by the organization Wild Heart Charity. She was carrying a baby. The charity immediately saved her and treated her. A Lebanese person posted about Maggie’s terrible condition and showed how, despite everything, she was a survivor. She does not turn away from human beings despite the suffering she has faced due to them.

Maggie’s life took a massive turn when she was discovered by Kasey Carlin, a 25-year-old dog lover residing in the United Kingdom. She took the mistreated dog in.

After a long time in rehab, Maggie recovered and soon, she began training as a helper dog. And within a few days, Kasey posted a heartfelt message, revealing that Maggie has passed the test of therapy dogs, and has become a certified therapy dog.

Kasey wishes to visit different schools that Maggie attended and share positive stories. She also wishes to show Maggie’s contribution as a therapy dog with Underdog International.

Maggie has her own Instagram page with more than 100,000 followers. She’s often called the “sweet happy disabled rescue dog.”

Maggie keeps recovering and making the lives of everyone around her better.

Maggie has indeed faced a lot of hardship, but she bounced back. Many dogs might be facing such torments in the hands of people even now. They require our help too.

Maybe many of them, with our love and kindness, can end up becoming a wonderful therapy dog, just like Maggie.

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