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Monday, January 10, 2022

Governor reduces truck driver’s sentence to 10 years after he originally received 110 years for fatal crash


Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, the truck driver who was handed 110 years in prison after in a fatal accident in Colorado, has been re-sentenced to 10 years after public outcry.

In 2019, the now-26-year-old trucker was behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler involved in a devastating 28-car crash on Interstate 70. Four people were killed.

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After he was sentenced to an astounding 110 years in prison, fellow truckers staged a boycott of Colorado in protest. Last week, we reported how an online petition to lower the Cuban immigrant’s sentence had garnered over 4.5 million signatures.

According to testimony Mederos gave investigators, the crash was caused only when the brakes on his truck failed. He was not charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, though was said to be traveling at 85 mph in a 45 mph zone.

On Thursday, though, Governor Jared Polis declared a commutation of Mederos’s sentence.

“I am writing to inform you that I am granting your application for a commutation,” Polis wrote.

“After learning about the highly atypical and unjust sentence in your case, I am commuting your sentence to 10 years and granting you parole eligibility on December 30, 2026.”

Mederos’ representative at trial, attorney James Colgan, told ABC News: “Justice was served!!! This commutation is far more reflective of the crime than 110 years. This type of justice is exactly why I went to law school and why I continue to practice law! Mr. Mederos will be forever grateful for the millions of people that supported him.”

All told, Mederos was found guilty of 27 counts, the most severe of which was first-degree assault. As per reports, mandatory minimum laws and a classification that mandates some sentences be served consecutively resulted in the incredibly lengthy sentence.

Gov. Polis’ letter continued: “The length of your 110-year sentence is simply not commensurate with your actions, nor with penalties handed down to others for similar crimes.

“There is an urgency to remedy this unjust sentence and restore confidence in the uniformity and fairness of our criminal justice system, and consequently I have chosen to commute your sentence now.”

Earlier this month, District Court Judge Bruce Jones had set a resentencing hearing for January 13 at the request of 1st Judicial District Attorney Alexis King. At that hearing, King was planning to ask for a new sentence of 20 to 30 years behind bars for Mederos.

King commented that she had been left “disappointed in the governor’s decision to act prematurely.”

In a statement last night, King said: “I joined the surviving victims and families of those who lost their loved ones in their wish to have the trial judge determine an appropriate sentence in this case, as he heard the facts and evidence of the defendant’s destructive conduct that led to death, injury, and devastating destruction.

“We are meeting with the victims and their loved ones this evening to support them in navigating this unprecedented action and to ensure they are treated with fairness, dignity, and respect during this difficult time.”

I think we can all agree that the initial sentence of 110 years was more than just slightly excessive.

I for one am glad that this man will have a chance to eventually get his life back on track after the terrible events that occurred.

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