Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Super mom from Texas gives birth to triplets via cesarean after beating coronavirus


After a successful battle with COVID-19, this Houston woman had another reason to celebrate – giving birth to her triplets at HCA Healthcare Inc. When Maggie Sillero found out she was having three babies, her reaction was of pure shock – her family never had multiples.

“I really could not believe it, and I waited awhile to tell our extended family the news because I knew they wouldn’t believe it either. Multiples don’t run on my side of the family, but twins do run on my husband’s side,” she said.

Maggie—who had a five-year-old son—already felt the difference in her pregnancy during its early days.

“One week into my pregnancy I could actually feel something was changing, and I think that I just felt everything so intensely this pregnancy because there were three. My pregnancy symptoms were tripled,” she explained.

Since her condition was considered high-risk, Maggie had to be admitted to The Woman’s Hospital of Texas (HCA Healthcare Inc. affiliate) on May 8—at 28 weeks pregnant—to be monitored until the babies arrive. Part of the protocol was to test every patient for COVID-19, and Maggie tested positive.

The result was unexpected; Maggie said she and her family had been cautious, and she hadn’t even left the house since March. Upon learning of her diagnosis, Maggie was concerned about everyone but herself. She worried more about how the virus might affect her babies, her family, and the medical staff looking after her.

Maggie’s husband got tested after her results came back, and sadly, it was also confirmed that he had COVID-19.

Maggie felt more fearful after the diagnosis. She knew that her babies would arrive early and understood that with prematurity comes complications. She worried that they would face even more challenges because she had been infected with the deadly virus.

She stayed for a month in the hospital, and during that time, she was tested five times for COVID. Her babies were also monitored daily, and seeing them every day made her feel better. Her doctors and nurses were also very compassionate. They kept reassuring her and telling her that everything would be okay.

Her doctor, Dr. Dolar S. Patolia, ensured that Maggie and her triplets remained in good health.

“Fortunately, when [one of the babies] showed signs indicating need for delivery, Maggie had just received her second negative test. Maggie is amazingly strong,” Dr. Patolia said.

Like every patient infected with the coronavirus, Maggie remained isolated from her son and family throughout her hospital stay. That separation could be tough, especially for a pregnant woman, but Maggie faced the situation bravely.

Having the support of people who genuinely cared for her helped Maggie deliver her babies successfully.

“Maggie remembers that at exactly 3:59 pm, her father called to pray with her, and when it was time for her epidural, a nurse hugged her tightly until it was complete,” the hospital said.

Maggie’s triplets—Isabella, Nathaniel, and Adriel—were born via cesarean section two minutes apart at 32 weeks, and they’re all healthy and safe! Everyone at the hospital was amazed at how well she did. Beating COVID and having a cesarean delivery of triplets proves that she’s a real fighter.

The babies are now a month old, and Maggie is happy to report that they are getting bigger and healthier as they remain in the Level II ICU HCA Healthcare Inc.

“Maggie shared that while it is hard to not have the babies home, she’s OK because she knows they are receiving the best possible care from a specialized team dedicated to their health and keeping them safe during the pandemic,” the hospital said.

This story of recovery and resilience is truly worth celebrating. Congratulations to this super mom!

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