Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Baby Born At 24 Weeks Weighing Just 1lb Celebrates Her First Birthday

Baby Amina was born an astonishing 16 weeks early after her mom went into labor at just 24 weeks. Doctors weren’t sure that she would ever make it to her due date, let alone her first birthday. Mom Taylor Dobson described that her premature baby had a heart defect and a brain bleed, and nobody believed she would survive. However, doctors used innovative methods to help her out.

“The night before Amina was born, I was admitted to the labor ward and told that I was having contractions, but that they would try to stop them by using magnesium for the next 24 hours,” Taylor explained.

“They assured me that I should stop the labour process from happening. I was admitted around 5 p.m and my contractions kept getting closer and closer all night long. By 9 a.m my doctor came in and did an ultrasound of Amina saying that she was actually kicking herself out of my cervix.

“They told me I had an infection and that she needed to be delivered via an emergency C-section immediately or she was at risk of catching it too.”

Their pre-emptive measures hadn’t worked, but doctors were trying their hardest to help the 1lb 10oz baby. They found a plastic sandwich bag and placed the baby inside to keep her warm. Apparently, this mimics a mother’s womb, and it seemed to work!

“Amina spent five days intubated with a ventilator before moving to a CPAP breathing machine,” Taylor explained. “After she was on CPAP, I was able to hold her and do skin-to-skin every day.

“I would make sure I came to the hospital at least two, sometimes three or four times a day. Amina did amazingly well in her first few days – they call it the ‘honeymoon stage’ where things can appear really good, then go bad.”

Reaching Her First Birthday

But, things kept going well! When she was discharged, Amina weighed roughly three pounds. But, her heart defect and brain bleed healed all on their own!

“Since she’s been home, she has thrived in every single way possible,” said her mom. “Amina no longer needs to see a cardiologist, optimologist, or any speciality doctor. She’s now one and as healthy as can be.”

And recently, Amina celebrated her first birthday! Doctors never expected her to see her birthday, but it’s looking like she has many more to come. This birthday will be extra special for her mom, though.

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