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Friday, July 24, 2020

'So in love': West Australian couple welcome 'miracle' quadruplets

Natalee and KahnNatalee and Kahn Photo: Instagram
A West Australian couple who struggled with infertility for years have given birth to healthy quadruplets.
Natalee and Kahn were living in Roebourne in the Pilbara region, about 1500km north of Perth, but the couple relocated to Perth in May ahead of the birth of their 'miracle' babies.
Struggling to conceive initially, 30-year-old Natalee used ovulation induction to fall pregnant with her first born, Kiana (known as 'Kiki'), which involved injections that stimulated regular ovulation. The couple decided to try the same treatment again, hoping it would be successful a second time. 
Natalee and Kahn gave birth to quadrupletsNatalee and Kahn gave birth to quadruplets  Photo: Instagram
Fortunately, it was and the couple were thrilled to be expecting another longed-for baby - only to then discover they would be welcoming an additional four babies to the family.
"We went from crying to laughing and laughing to crying (this lasted for about 2 months)," Natalle admitted back in April. "We were overwhelmed, scared, excited, confused, nervous and SPEECHLESS!"
In a post to Instagram, Natalie and Kahn said that they're "already so in love with all four of our precious little babies."
"They are all being very well looked after and only two of them now need breathing assistance," the post continued, thanking the followers for their love and support throughout her high-risk pregnancy.
"Growing these munchkins was the hardest thing I've ever done...But the feeling of holding them in our arms for the first time have been the most magical moments," Natalee said.

"Once we are back home and settled I will update you all again and share what I can of our life with KiKi and The Quadruplets" she assured. "But for now it's spending time snuggling our babies and getting them strong enough to come home!"
Kahn also posted on Instagram, showing little Kiki holding four balloons, three pink and one blue, saying how proud he is of his wife.

"My awesome wife crushed carrying the QUADs," he wrote. "Thankful she is so strong, nurturing and inspiring"
Followers commented on the post, congratulating them on their new arrivals.
"Congratulations! What an amazing woman you are to carry them for 34 weeks!" one user said. "You should be so proud of yourself"
"I have followed your journey since the Current Affair story," said another. "So inspirational, congratulations".
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