Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, April 20, 2017


Nowadays, obesity in children represents a big problem because the rates get higher and higher every year. The situation is alarming because many children and teens as well are at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

We will present you a case of a young girl who suffers from type 2 diabetes. This girl’s name is Pantera, and she learn the truth about her disease when she was only 14 years old. There were some symptoms that indicated to diabetes. She was constantly thirsty and would get headaches and severe mood swings.

Unfortunately, these were not the only discomforts she felt. Pantera also started to get an alien, which is a strange dark circle around her neck. At first her mother thought that she just wasn’t showering well, but the truth led to startling diagnosis.

While many people think the dark ring is just dirt, it’s actually a warning sign of Type 2 diabetes.

Doctors explain that this dark circle is a sign that your body’s insulin isn’t working properly. In most of the cases, this is a symptom of Type 2 diabetes, which affects the way your body metabolizes sugar.

The dark ring is also known as “ acanthosis nigrican” which can also be found on the underarm or groin area.

In recent years, this type of diabetes spread more among children and teen than ever before. Preventative measures are extremely important because once it appears, it is harder to treat it. In order to prevent it, you should change your diet to a more healthy one and exercise on a regular basis.

Pantera’s mom hopes her daugter’s story will be an inspiration for others to make lifestyle changes right now instead of suffering the dire consequences of Type 2 diabetes.

Pantera’s mom told for ABC News: “I’d like other parents to know that it can happen to your child, even if you’re not diabetic and no one in your family is diabetic, it can happen”.

All parents should be cautious about the things they give their children to eat because you may think that chicken nuggets and the french fries and the chips is okay for them, but it’s actually not. You really have to monitor what you and your family consumes because it really does have a lifelong affect on everyone’s health.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. You can really help someone. GTM-Team


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