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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Mix these 3 ingredients with your shampoo and after 2 weeks of use, your hair will grow nonstop

Every woman in the world wants to have the perfect hair. But, it’s not always like that. Well, the modern hair treatments, such as: blow-drying, straightening, dyeing can harm your hair and they can affect your hair quality. Your hair will look dry and damaged, and it will start to fall off.

In to to fight with all these issues, you need your shampoo to be very effective. Here’s how you can improve benefits of your shampoo using three natural ingredients.

Your regular Shampoo – 2 tablespoons
Egg yolk from one egg
Castor oil – 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice – 10 drops

Firstly, mix castor oil and egg yolk and add lemon juice in it. Stir the mix well. Now add your shampoo in it and stir the solution again. Now apply this mix on your hair. Massage it on your scalp, spread evenly on all hair strands. Now cover your hair in a plastic bag or shower cap. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Then wash ii water and rinse the mix. If you are still getting smell of raw egg, you can wash your hair again with shampoo.

For better result you should repeat this treatment 2 times a week for 2 weeks. You will see that your hair will now falling lesser and growing faster.

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