Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Monday, December 5, 2016

This Dad Murdered The Man Who Raped His Daughter, And Now He’s Going To Prison For 40 Years

She was repeatedly raped by her grandfather when she was between 4 and 9 years of age. Julia Manor is now 24. Her grandfather, Raymond Brooks, served only 27 months of the five-year sentence he received. The molestation was so regular that Julia couldn’t even remember when it started, but only knew that she grew to believe that it was normal.
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It was a different kind of love was all that Julia could figure as a child. In 2014, she talked to her father about the abuse. Something about what she said did something to her dad. She can’t remember what, but her father became incredibly upset.

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Jay Manor, the father, snapped. He drove to the grandfather’s house. He shot and killed him.
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According to reports, on his way to the grandfather’s house, he fired shots into a convenience store after seeing another man who had allegedly abused his stepdaughter.
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Reports have it that he ran into another man who had allegedly abused his stepdaughter, while on the way to the grandfathers home. So he shot into a convenience store at him.

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Jay Maynor ended up taking a plea deal, in order to avoid having Julia testify in court and go through her ordeal all over again. Jay received 40 years in prison.
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Julia stated that her dad was an amazing father who loved his family incredibly. She felt as if he was protecting her like any dad would do.
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The sentence her father received was very unfair according to Julia. In turn, she feels as if it is all her fault.
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