Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Monday, December 5, 2016


A man recently stole a family’s beloved pet dog, beat and tortured the animal, and finally locked it in a cage to slowly starve to death. As soon as angry locals spotted the infamous dognapper, they decided that the proper punishment would be to give him a brutal dose of his own medicine.

Each year, around 5 million dogs are routinely butchered to be sold for their meat to hungry customers in Vietnam. Often times, producers will snatch family pets to fill their disturbing quota, leaving civilians distraught and outraged over the loss of their adored canine.

These dogs are often horrifically abused before they are left to either waste away in filthy compact cages or suffer the gruesome slaughter that sees them sometimes skinned, burned, or boiled alive. Unfortunately for one businessman, he messed with the wrong pooch.

Tuoi Tre News reports that a crowd of furious locals identified the man accused of stealing a neighbor’s dog and chose to dish out a savage dose of mob justice. In a 20-minute video, citizens of Nghia Tru Commune in Hung Yen set upon the unnamed man, tied his hands behind his back, and delivered the same pain he allegedly inflicted on the poor animal.

A man recently stole a family’s beloved pet dog, beat and tortured the animal, and finally locked it in a cage to slowly starve to death. As soon as angry locals spotted the infamous dognapper, they decided that the proper punishment would be to give him a brutal dose of his own medicine.

Each year, around 5000000 dogs are routinely butchered to be sold for their meat to hungry customers in Vietnam. Often times, producers will snatch family pets to fill their disturbing quota, leaving civilians distraught and outraged over the loss of their adored canine.

These dogs are often horrifically abused before they are left to either waste away in filthy compact cages or suffer the gruesome slaughter that sees them sometimes skinned, burned, or boiled alive. Unfortunately for one businessman, he messed with the wrong pooch.

Tuoi Tre News reports that a crowd of furious locals identified the man accused of stealing a neighbor’s dog and chose to dish out a savage dose of mob justice. In a 20-minute video, citizens of Nghia Tru Commune in Hung Yen set upon the unnamed man, tied his hands behind his back, and delivered the same pain he allegedly inflicted on the poor animal.

After hurling insults at the thief, locals took turns beating him and tossing him around a muddy trench like a rag doll. Determined to make him pay for the dog’s suffering, civilians tied the animal’s corpse to the man and forced him to lie next to his victim. However, they weren’t done yet.

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