Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kidnapper Tries To Steal Baby Boy, But Doesn’t See His Big Sister Coming

It was a terrifying ordeal, but the youngest citizens proved to be some of the bravest on that fateful day. When 8-year-old Delicia, 10-year-old Brenden, and their 22-month-old baby brother Owen Wright were playing at the park near their babysitter’s home, the unthinkable happened.

A kidnapper snatched Owen and made a run for it. Security cameras caught the whole scene. The man runs away with the baby in his arms, but Delicia and Brenden run after.

“This little girl come running around the corner screaming her head off,” said witness Dorothy Giddings.

Delicia’s loud screams got the attention of passersby. Two teenage boys joined in on the chase. The kidnapper became so spooked he left Owen in an empty lot and ran off.

“I told that little girl, I said, ‘Honey, you did exactly what you needed to do — scream your head off,’” Giddings said of Delicia. “That’s what saved that baby. Her screaming and us running.”

After the story made the news, a total stranger was so impressed with Delicia and Brenden’s love of their baby brother, they contacted the local news. Although they remained anonymous, they awarded each sibling $100.

The children were stunned, but not nearly as proud as their father, who knows just how tragic things could have turned had they not been so brave.

“How precious for your kids to do the right things on an everyday basis, especially the love that they have for the little siblings,” said their father, Michael Wright.

Please SHARE this unbelievable story on Facebook if you believe these two really are little superheroes.

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