Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

When they find this woman, she has been dead for a long time. But what the men see underneath her causes them to dissolve into tears. Share on Facebook

When people come close to death, they sometimes develop seemingly superhuman powers. You often hear about accident victims who were able to find the strength to get to the hospital or hostages that managed to take down their captors by themselves. But there is nothing as extraordinary as a mother's will to survive when her child's life is at stake. A discovery made by a rescue group in Asia following an earthquake provides the best evidence of this.

Rescue teams were searching hard for survivors and stumbled upon a woman buried in the rubble of a house. She was huddled up - almost as if she were hugging something.
The woman seems to have already been dead for some time. The rescue group sets off to search for survivors but the group leader keeps thinking about the woman they found. Following his intuition, he returns to the scene of the accident and takes a closer look at the woman. He drops to his knees and clears the area beneath her only to make an incredible discovery: A cloth bag drops from the arms of the dead woman. Inside he finds a little boy. Immediately, a doctor is called to examine the child.

But that wasn't all. When the men take a closer look at the bag, they find a cellphone with a message on its display. Everyone passes the phone around to read the message and as soon as they do they all dissolve into tears. The message said: "In case you survive, always remember that I love you." 

There is no doubt about it: This mother was determined to give her life for her son's. Her unbelievable sacrifice has already touched the hearts of millions, as it shows that love always prevails - even over death.

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