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Friday, August 12, 2016

Kill Sinus Infection In 20 Seconds With This Simple Method And This Common Household Ingredient!

Sinusitis, commonly known as sinus infection, is an swelling or inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses. That happens when the sinuses are filled with fluid and germs instead of air.
Your sinus infection is as a result of viruses which cause an inflammation of your sinuses membrane lining.
As a consequence you will experience the following symptoms:
  • Headaches
  • Pain and general discomfort
  • Congestion
  • Fever
Unfortunately, most people always choose drugs and medications, as a number one treatment to treat this health problem. But, they are most definitely wrong – because there are many different all-natural methods, which can help you relieve the pressure caused by blocked sinuses. This is the main reason why we are going to show you the new sinus infections treatment, which you’ve probably never heard of. The main ingredient in this homemade remedy is apple cider vinegar.
ACV Works Wonders!
Apple cider vinegar is quite effective in the treatment of sinus infection. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
It will boost your immune system and help your body system to combat the infection naturally with no side effects.
The symptoms will ease off and your overall health will improve tremendously.
Here is what you need in this special recipe:
  • Clean drinking water — 1/2 cup
  • Apple cider vinegar (unfiltered) — 1/4 cup
  • Pure honey — 1 tablespoon
  • Cayenne pepper — 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice — 1 lemon
Boil the water and pour it into a mug.
Add your apple cider vinegar and stir.
Allow this to cook at room temperature, then add your pure honey and cayenne pepper.
Stir very well, then finally add your lemon juice and stir further.
Drink this recipe at least twice daily first thing in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and also before bedtime.
Keep drinking until you have relief from the sinus infection.
Note: To preserve its nutrients and maximize the benefits derived from the pure honey add it after the ACV and boiled water solution has cooled at room temperature.

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