Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Her Daughter Came Inside Screaming. When Her Mom Sees Her Hand? Pure Panic. But The Cause? YIKES!

When you think of playgrounds, you think of fun and safe areas where kids can have a good time.

The main fear is usually strangers lurking around or possible child abductors. But it turns out, another danger may exist and it may be closer than you think. Right on the ground, at your child’s feet. Kiley Cook from Grandbury, Texas, unfortunately experienced this danger. She was doing what kids do at a playground. Having fun with friends. Then a sharp and very severe pain occurred, seemingly out of nowhere.
It was when Kiley put her hand down on the ground. Suddenly a copperhead snake struck here. These are very dangerous snakes that can seriously injure and in some cases kill a human with only one bite! This occurred at the school playground. Nataly Horn was present and rushed to the child’s aid as soon as it happened. Kiley was quickly flown to Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. She was then treated for the snake bite.
Are these incidents really that common? Indeed they are. Turns out that the hospital reports seeing between 17 and 25 children each year for snake bites. This is just one hospital, so you can imagine the amount of cases that other hospitals likely have. Kiley’s fingers, hand, and entire arm ended up becoming totally swollen up. And her finger turned black. Nasty!
Hopefully she won’t be too traumatized from this situation, as clearly it is something she will never forget. Playground employees are going to examine the grounds before kids play from now on, so as to ensure safety and prevent anything like this from happening ever again. Still, it’s important to note that you never know when snakes will be present. They can slither in with no warning whatsoever. And the copperhead snake is not just a Texas snake. They are even more common in the North, and especially the North East.
Be aware of any dangers in the playground area, not just before, but during a child is at play. Turns out the playground this little girl was in appeared to be safe beforehand, and it is likely that the snake did indeed slither in during playtime.
Share this important warning with friends and family!

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