Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Friday, June 24, 2016

700 lb snake found in… North Carolina? That can’t be right. Can it?

Was a massive snake recently discovered near a lake in North Carolina?
Reports have been out, as well as footage, of a 98-foot-long 700 lb snake discovered near a lake! Apparently a group of construction workers pulled out the snake from the lake. They then got a hold of police as they began wondering if this snake could be the one responsible for a recent increase in missing persons in the area.
A viewer who saw the footage, began poking some holes in this story. The measurements and the image in the photo seemed off for starts. The markings on the snake were also of question. He ended up discovering that yes, the photo was real, but the story perhaps not as much. It was a huge snake, but not as big as claimed. It was indeed found by a construction crew, only not in North Carolina, but in Belinyu City in Indonesia.
What happened was that the workers had accidentally injured the creature while getting rid of a rotting tree. So they ended up putting the snake out its misery, then burying it. But of course first, they photographed it, and now this other, untrue, story has given birth!

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