Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The neighbors see this woman bringing him home with her. 2 months later they beat a path to her door.

It happened in Mexico City in February of 2015.

A dog is spotted on the streets and the sight is absolutely horrific. While stray dogs are very common here, with an estimated 1 million roaming the streets, this dog really stood out, as you are about to see:
Not only is it starving to death, but on top of that it’s entire body is covered with nasty looking cancerous tumors. The passerby who spots the dog is shaken to the core at the sight of this dog and immediately feels the compassion to get him and go to an animal-rights activist named Dalia Gámez. She immediately adopts the dog and names him Boby. She then heads to the vet where a full examination is done.
He looks to be around 2-years-old, the vets determine. Chemotherapy is administered for the tumors, with the hope that the harsh therapy won’t do damage to the spirit of Boby. To ensure he remains comfortable, Dalia stays with him throughout the treatment. Meanwhile she shares his story online.
In a two month period, Boby is required to undergo 8 chemo sessions. Even if a dog is fully healthy, that is considered a great deal. Here we have Boby, who was already at the brink of starvation. Can he actually pull through this?
Boby proves to have a spirit like no other. He braves the chemo sessions which they said only a healthy dog could go through. He then recovers rather quickly, his wounds heal, and his magnificent fur begins to flourish over his scarred up body.
Boby is now running and becoming a very popular local hero of a dog. Neighbors come and stand in line to see the dog! Now is the time to find Boby a forever home. And it doesn’t take long.
Not an easy goodbye for Dalia, as she had been through so much with Boby and experienced his miraculous transformation. But his new family is warm and welcoming, and cannot wait to provide Boby with the much love he deserves after everything he has been through. He looks like a completely changed dog and only a few scars remain.
This is proof that second chances do work and animals can indeed flourish when they are provided with love and caring. Look at Boby before. A total lost cause in so many people’s eyes. Yet a few saviors saw the potential to turn things around and they went for it. Look at Boby now! Truly amazing.

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