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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

11 Gross Signs That Your Relationship Has Reached It’s Peak Comfort Levels

Relationships in the early stages are great. Both parties really step up their game when it comes to looking their best and maintaining a high level of cleanliness, while keeping your sometimes gross habits completely hidden.

Bad breath, flatulence, or body odor or totally non-existent!
But then that comfort sets in. You get comfortable with one another, and you let your guard down. And when your guard goes down, those gross habits start moving back in.
Here’s some of the highest offenders:
1. There’s no demanding need to shave.
No longer is he, or she, smooth shaven all the time. Some stubble sets in as the pressure to be 24/7 smooth and shaven loosens up big time.
2. You fart in front of each other.
It may happen by accident at first. Then it goes downhill from there. Once that bridge is crossed, an environment is created where a whoopie cushion worth of toots go off throughout the day, right in the presence of your partner!
It may happen by accident at first. Then it goes downhill from there. Once that bridge is crossed, an environment is created where a whoopie cushion worth of toots go off throughout the day, right in the presence of your partner!
3. Poop is discussed in any capacity.
Once totally off limits, now you are openly telling your partner when you have to “take a dump.” This is actually a huge sign that you’ve breached the cautious and careful acting stages of a relationship and now have peaked into a very high comfort level.
4. Period talk, especially the non-judgmental kind, is acceptable.
It’s going to eventually happen, and happen often once it does. The period talk. It’s a once a month ordeal, and if a dude can get passed the period talk, then you’ve reached a peak comfort level point in your relationship.
5. You pee with the door wide open.
Never would such behavior be considered during your first weeks of courting. But the first time that door remains open during a urination, a huge happening occurs. You’ve opened not just the bathroom door, but a big door to being comfortable with one another, so much so that their tinkles and streams are acceptable audible relationship habits.
6. You let him pee in the shower when you shower together.
While some of these other ones you may have crossed bridges with your partner, with this one you have just crossed massive continents. This is huge and if you do get here, be sure to not screw it up by acting like a dog and going on her leg. Aim for the drain, dude.
7. Morning breath doesn’t gross you out.
Brushing teeth, mouthwash gurgles, and constant self-checks on your breath were once staples of your relationship. Now the morning kiss is king, even when lingering bad breath may be present.
8. A new hobby involves popping spots and pimples.
This is a game you may have seen couples play even in public. It’s almost as if the first sight of that pimple on the partner is to tempting to ignore, and you have to pop your partner right away. Completely gross, but a high level marker in partner comfortability.
9. Sickness doesn’t make kissing off-limits.
Naturally when one is sick, they are off-limits when it comes to kissing. But the couple who has developed a level that is maybe not so much comfort, but lovey dovey sickness in itself, may believe they are immune to the other’s germs. Or they may even purposely want to share the germs so they can become bonded even further.
10. Weight gain isn’t a big deal.
It’s a sure sign that comfort is having it’s day when you begin adding a few extra pounds and the motivation to hit the gym and get back to your lean and mean conditioning, just isn’t there. Something odd happens though, as neither of you really notice the other is actually gaining weight, although you both clearly are.
Woman standing on scales
11. Despite all of this, you still find your partner sexy.
Becoming ultra-comfortable with each other isn’t so much about listening to one another urinate or fart, but it’s about their attractiveness as a person becoming so strong that it supersedes the everyday trivial body functioning things that you previously viewed as “gross.”
So real love may not be romantic moments in fancy restaurants, they are more likely the stubbly skinned, morning bad breath kisses followed up with showering together and an allowance to take a pee while doing so.
Share these gross mile markers of relationship comfortability with your friends and family and see if they agree!

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