Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Watch The Heartwarming Moment A Deaf Man Hears For The First Time

Alanya Berthiaume and her family met Brihanu during their travels to Ethiopia. Brihanu was deaf, and communicated primarily through sign language. His hearing could be restored, however, with a cochlear implant.

After returning from Ethiopia, Alanya advocated for Brihanu and arranged for him to travel to the United States to have this cochlear implant surgery from Austin surgeon Dr. Emmy Wu.
This video captures the moment that the cochlear implant is turned on, and Brihanu hears for the first time. He is overwhelmed with joy, and switches back and forth between a wide smile and happy tears. Within moments, everyone else in the room is also moved to tears, especially the first moment that Alanya says hello to Brihanu.

As medical technology improves, more people are able to regain their hearing or hear for the first time thanks to these surgeries, and the results are beautiful. This woman was able to hear her 8-year-old’s voice for the first time, and this young boy was able to hear his mom’s voice for the first time after receiving a cochlear implant.

Brihanu’s miracle was made possible through Ordinary Hero, an advocacy organization that partners with impoverished communities, advocates for the vulnerable, and empowers ordinary people to change the life of a child.

Watch below and please SHARE if this heartwarming story brought a smile to your face!

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