Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, April 28, 2016

This is unbelievable but when you see how this man looks today, your jaw will drop.

In a world that is full of gruesomeness and in which everyone is on the verge of losing hope in the good of mankind, it is hard to believe that there is actually something like true heroes. Usually they live amongst us inconspicuously and we don't notice them at all. This inconspicuousness was not afforded to this man: Mitch Hunter, a former soldier from Indiana, showed unbelievable courage and paid a high price for it.
Mitch was always athletic, which was the reason why he decided to become a soldier. You might think that this would be one of the most dangerous professions a person can do. But on the day that Mitch's life changed forever, he wasn't in his uniform. The 30 year old was in a car and was going home with a couple he knew. Suddenly the driver lose control of the car and smashed into a power line. Using all his strength, Mitch managed to get the friend of the driver out of the way of danger. Then the power line began to fall and struck him.
For days Mitch had to fight for his life at the hospital. When he regained his consciousness, he received horrible news: He lost a leg because of the electric shock. His fingers had to be stitched back together.
 Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
But the worst part came when Mitch looked into a mirror:
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
His face was completely destroyed. Mitch was crestfallen because he feared that this sight would frighten his two young children. He didn't want them to think he was a monster. He would have rather died than to scare them like this.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
But then doctors suggested an operation that had only been attempted two times: Mitch could receive a face transplant. At first he was doubtful. Would the face of a strange deceased person even fit him? But soon he realized that he had to take this chance. He wanted his normal life back with his children. And above all he wanted to go places without being stared at.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
Since the procedure was so unknown, the doctors didn't know how well the transplant would work. There was also the possibility that Mitch's body would reject the foreign skin.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
But the worries were unnecessary. Mitch's new face fit perfectly to him.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
Soon his beard growth covered up the scars on his neck from the surgery.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
Today only the scar on his hairline is visible.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
This operation gave Mitch another chance at a normal life. Today he can take care of his children without having to fear being rejected by them.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
His transformation is unbelievable.
Facebook/ Mitch Hunter
A hero like Mitch, who would have sacrificed himself to rescue a woman, has earned the ability to lead a good life. Mitch is 35 years old, has a full-time job and is very happy. Even if the fate seemed unfair at first, everything turned out okay in the end. How fortunate we are to have people like him!

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