Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Saturday, April 30, 2016

She finds what her husband secretly wrote on the mirror. Number 2 makes me cry!

Tim Murphy is an engineer who lives in Los Angeles with his new wife Molly. They had been going through some tough times, and Molly was finding herself struggling to cope. To help her remind her of how much she is loved and appreciated, Tim decided to surprise her by writing her a note on their bedroom mirror while she was on a trip away. Molly posted a photo of it on imgur, and the raw emotion on her face is so evident.
The list says:
1. She is my best friend
2. She never quits on herself or me
3. She gives me time to work on my crazy projects
4. She makes me laugh, everyday
5. She is gorgeous
6. She accepts the crazy person I am
7. She's the kindest person I know
8. She's got a beautiful singing voice
9. She's gone to a strip club with me
10. She has experienced severe tragedy yet is the most optimistic person about humanity I know
11. She has been fully supportive about my career choices and followed me each time
12. Without realizing it, she makes me want to do more for her than I have ever wanted to do for anyone
13. She's done an amazing job at advancing her career path
14. Small animals make her cry
15. She snorts when she laughs
Molly finishes up her post with a little advice:
"I'm not saying mental illness is cured by nice words on a mirror. In fact, it takes professional care, love, empathy, sometimes even medication just to cope. Many people struggle with it mental illness - more than we probably even realize. And instead of showing them hate or anger when they act out. Show them kindness and remind them things can and WILL get better. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. If that person can't be you - see if you have any resources for therapy."
What an amazing supportive and understanding relationship this young couple has! Depression is hard, but with help and a great support system, you can rise above it. Share this inspiring message with your friends and family by clicking the button below!

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