Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, April 7, 2016

She finds an infant in a trash pile. When you see the transformation it’ll blow you away.

Sarah Conque is a 28 year old from South Louisiana. While on a missionary trip in Haiti, she used her degree and experience as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist to serve disabled children at a non-profit children's medical center. Sarah has helped countless children grow and thrive while serving at Danita's Children Medical Center.
But none of those children touched Sarah's life quite like little Nika. She was brought in at only 3 months old by a woman claiming to be her aunt. Nika was in very bad shape, with what appeared to be a bad case of hydrocephalus. She needed surgery desperately, and fortunately, Sarah was able to secure Nika a spot on the surgery list.
Nika's surgery went well, and eventually it was time for her to go home to continue her recovery. Unfortunately, Nika's aunt had abandoned her at the hospital. After many calls and a lot of pleading, they were able to convince her to return for Nika, but it was discovered that she was actually Nika's mother. The stigma of having a disabled child was too hard for her to handle, but Sarah was persistent and set her up with lots of support to help. After a couple of doctor visits, Nika's mom stopped showing up again. When Nika was 11 months old and her mom had neglected to show for several doctor's visits yet again, Sarah felt compelled to visit them at home. What she found was heartbreaking.
Nika had been left alone in the house and was surrounded by garbage. Sarah's worst fears had come true. Nika had been a victim of negligence for nearly an entire year. Sarah asked the founder of Danita's Children if they could take Nika in, and she immediately agreed. They began to get Nika on a path to recovery, but doctors reminded Sarah that Nika's chances of survival were slim. 99% of infants in her condition don't make it to their first birthday. Still, Nika fought hard, as did Sarah. Nika was thriving.
Six months later, Sarah officially became Nika's 24/7 caretaker and guardian. She was able to arrange for Nika to fly to the United States on a medical visa to get the consistent quality care that would drastically improve her life. Now, at 2 years old, Nika has defied all odds.
Miracles really do happen! Nika's transformation is proof of that, and Sarah's persistence helped make it possible. Share this incredible story with your friends and family!

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