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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Melt the Fat Around the Stomach – Lose 3 kg for 5 Days

According to experts, most of the body’s excess calories are stored as fat. Due to that fact, they advise that the goal of most people in the process of losing weight actually should be losing fat.

Namely, abdominal fat is especially dangerous as it is a key player in a variety of health problems. Some of the conditions that can arise from this adiposity are stroke, heart disease, prostate and breast cancer, type 2 diabetes.
Another reason why excess abdominal fat is so harmful is fact that is located near the portal vein, which carries blood from the intestinal area to the liver.
In case if you have a lot of excess fat around your waistline, even though you do not have a problem with overweight, you should take some steps to get rid of it.
First of all, it is important to mention that the process of losing weight always begins with reducing the number of calories you consume during the day and in the same time you need to increase the number of calories you burn.
Experts explain that the most readily variable method of burning calories is physical activity, so exercise goes hand – in – hand with healthy nutrition in losing weight.
Regardless of the fact that the metabolism influences the body’s basic energy needs, actually the food and beverage intake and the physical activity ultimately determine how much we weigh.
Melt the Fat Around the Stomach – Lose 3 kg for 5 Days
Below we are presenting you a drink that probably is the simplest way to remove those persistent 3 kg. If you want to reduce your waist without rigorous diets, we recommend you to try it today.
1 lemon
60 g parsley
230 ml water
First of all, chop the parsley and drain lemon juice over it. Next step is to place the mixture in a bowl and add water.
You should drink this in the morning on an empty stomach in a period of 5 days. After that, make a pause of 10 days.
This amazing drink will speed up your metabolism and will melt the fat of your body. At the same time it provides to your body a healthy vitamins and minerals.
It is interesting that parsley improves digestion and helps the body to expel extra fluids, so it will eliminate the feeling of bloating.

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