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Monday, March 21, 2016

MUSLIM BARBARIANS of the Islamic State (ISIS) stoop to a new level of depravity: Putting prisoners in a cage and drowning them (WARNING: Graphic)

If you plan to comment that this has ‘nothing to do with Islam,’ don’t bother, it won’t be posted.

UK Daily Mail (h/t Maria J)  Vile MUSLIM jihadis fighting for the Islamic State in Iraq have brutally murdered five prisoners by locking them in a metal cage and lowering them into a swimming pool. Filmed in the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, the sickening seven minute long video uses expensive underwater cameras to film the terrified men as they sink below the surface with no hope of escape.


Shortly afterwards the cage is lifted back out of the water, with the dying men – who are understood to have been accused of spying – seen foaming at the mouth as they lie motionless on the floor of the cage, piled on top of one another.

The main section of the film begins with the stomach-churning sight of five men being locked in a tiny metal cage that has been suspended above a luxury swimming pool somewhere in the ISIS-held city of Mosul in Nineveh province. As the water begins to enter, the victims start to panic, praying and pacing the tiny metal cell.


Once completely submerged, the video cuts to the high-tech underwater cameras, which show the men thrashing around until they appear to lose conciousness and fall to the floor. 

The cage is then removed from the pool, with the dying men seen foaming at the mouths as they lie piled on top of one another under the blazing Iraqi sun.


Elsewhere in the video, ISIS militants are filmed brutally killing prisoners by locking them in a car and shooting them with a grenade launcher. A masked ISIS jihadi appears carrying a huge grenade launcher, which he uses to fire a missile into the vehicle, causing it to burst into flames and burn the badly injured victims to death. (See video below)


The footage is actually divided into three separate sections, with different horrific punishments reserved for each group of doomed prisoners. 

Seven men are subsequently seen being led out into a field, where explosive cables are tied around their necks.  Seconds later the explosives are detonated, with HD cameras capturing the murder in full detail.


Several of the men are clearly decapitated by the massive blast, while others suffer horrific and fatal upper body injuries. 

The latest sickening murder video was released by ISIS’ Ninevah branch, which is based in the terror group’s stronghold, Mosul.

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