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Friday, February 5, 2016

Your Palm Reveals the Condition of the Entire Body: Press this Point and the Pain Will Disappear in 5 Minutes (VIDEO)

No one can be devoted to your health as you. Heal yourself and your family with this amazing method.
While modern medicine has found out a lot, though, it hardly solves some problems, especially when it comes to chronic diseases.
Doctors usually do not have the time needed to commit to a patient properly, and it all ends in shallow practices, ie, the rehabilitation of emergency problems and performing required procedures.
One French doctor, who was familiar with the alternative methods of treatment, when asked to compare the conventional and alternative medicine, said that, if he needed a surgery or a medical procedure in the case of an acute illness, he would always go to a conventional doctor, while in the case of chronic problems, he would rather consult an alternative healer.
Doctors, like all others, do not have the time to devote themselves as long as you can devote to yourself. Yet, you need a system that you can apply to help yourself, and it usually involves years of learning.
Fortunately, there is one method which, although complex and can not be learned in five minutes, though, you can immediately start using.
Namely, it is very effective, even when applied by beginners, and most importantly, if you follow the basic rules, it is completely safe.

It is a Korean acupressure of the hands and feet, called “Su-Jok” (Su-Jok), which literally means hand-foot.
Similar to the traditional Chinese acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine, this method is based on the doctrine of the energy meridians that are associated with our body organs.

In fact, each organ is part of the whole of the body, not an isolated system, and is connected with the rest of the body and mind, biochemically and neurologically, as well as energetically.
Before the incidence of an organ disease, there is a previous energetic disturbance. It is much easier to solve the problem then, than when the organ is already damaged.
However, the question is how do we know that there is a disorder in some part of our body? Due to the everyday stress and rapid way of life, we have lost the natural feeling that tells us that something is wrong.

Su Jok acupressure offers a solution. As the whole body is shown on the palm (or foot), you can find the points that are associated with certain organs. The photos show the points on the palm which are linked to the body organs.
If you have some problems with a certain organ, there must be a corresponding point on the palm that is much more painful to the touch than the other points of the hand.
And vice versa – if a point on the palm is a lot more painful when touched than the other ones, you have a problem with some organ in the body, and if you want to know which precisely, you can determine it through the correspondence shown on the photographs.
The picture above shows where on the hand are located the lungs and heart, and below them are the colon and liver.
The diagnosis and treatment in this system are done by using diagnostic sticks (pictured below). Of course, it is not necessary that you use the same one, but you need to find a long spiky, but not sharp, object.
You can also use an empty pen, and the most similar subject to the diagnostic stick, which you probably have at home, is a needle.
All you need to know is that every point on the body, that is, every organ in the body, is linked to a certain corresponding point on the hand.
If you look at your palm as a body, the thumb is the head and neck, the index finger and little finger – hands, the middle and the ring finger – leg, the inside of the palm – chest and abdomen, and the external part – the back.
Thus, for example, the right forearm will be the second joint on the little finger of the left hand or the other joint on the index finger of the right hand.
The neck will be the second joint on the thumb of both hands, and the head will be the first joint. You should seek corresponding points according to this logic.
When you find the corresponding point, you need a diagnostic stick, or an object used for this purpose, and massage the point  in a circular motion clockwise and counter-clockwise. Then, place a buckwheat seed and secure it with a plaster tape (You can use various seeds for this purpose, but buckwheat seeds are most convenient for beginners), as can be seen in the video clip above.
This knowledge will enable you to successfully treat migraines, pain in the back and neck, and other illnesses. The results are almost immediate, and you must be persistent in order to obtain a permanent solution.
Since we all experience pains in the back, find the corresponding point on the palm and help yourself!

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