Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Do You Ever Wake Up At Night And Can’t Move? THIS Is What It Means – TERRIFYING!

Ever been suddenly awoken from your sleep and are totally paralyzed?
That is, you can’t seem to move or even talk, despite the efforts you make to do both. It’s a real terrifying feeling that later leaves you asking yourself, “what in the hell just happened?”
Well, here’s a video you will want to see which explains what happened:
Sleep paralysis is frightening as hell! There’s even a side to it where it actually feels as if someone is pressing against you, or lurking only inches above you. Totally terrifying and one hell of a way to start the day.
While some believe it’s the your mind playing tricks on you, others associate it with a demonic possession which has temporarily taken over your body. Sometimes a loud crash or explosion is heard right before your body becomes frozen, which makes the experience even more frightening.
It’s likely due to the fact that your mind has woken up, but your body is still in sleep mode. This can last seconds to actual minutes in extreme cases. Although it’s extremely scary, thankfully it’s not a serious thing and the root cause of it is likely lack of sleep or sleeping on your back.

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