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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

This lady is tired every day, regardless of how much she sleeps. The reason is stuck in her throat.

The thyroid can be found in the front of the throat and is the shape of a butterfly. It is a very small organ but the influence it has on the rest of the body is enormous. Sufferers that have an overactive thyroid produce too many hormones and those with an hypo-functioning thyroid produce too few. The resulting symptoms are often very serious.
1. Feeling sad or depressed. One disfunction of the thyroid can be extreme emotion. To few thyroid hormones can even result in usual feelings of sadness or even depression. 
2. Constipation. One disturbance from a thyroid hormonal imbalance is slower digestion resulting in constipation. This is one of the three main Symptoms of a thyroid problem. 
3. Too much sleep. Sure - getting up in the morning is difficult for all of us. But if this is the case every day and you feel like the task is impossible, then you should see your doctor. When your thyroid produces too few hormones, then you'll feel permanently tired and your body will be running on autopilot. 
4. Hairloss and dry skin. Hypo-thyroidism often leads to dry and itchy skin. The change in the skin structure is the result of a slow metabolism, which also reduces sweating. Hair and nails also become dry and break easily. Hair can also fall out. 
5. Sudden weight gain. Weight gain can be the result of many reasons, but without making some fundamental changes to your diet or physical activity, it can be cause for concern. One of the main reasons that patients look to a doctor is because the weight gain seems to have no visible cause and makes you doubt everything. The explanation is very often the under functioning thyroid. 
6. No interest in sex. Low thyroid hormones can cause a reduced libido. This can also be associated with other symptoms such as weight gain, pain and hair loss. 
7. Muscle aches or tension. Aching muscles usually have a definite cause, namely an action or where a body part that is not normally used, is used abnormally. But when this pain arises without an obvious cause, it could be the result of an underlying thyroid disfunction.
8. Heart palpitations. Falling in love - is one example - for heart palpitations. Experiencing palpitations for any other reason however is grounds to start worrying. If you think your heart has skipped a beat or two, it's a clear warning sign from the body.
9. Dizziness. If concentration and memory are dwindling, it can be a sign of age, but when this phenomenon appears suddenly or at a young age, this is not normal. Patients with a thyroid problem are often surprised at how quickly their brains begin functioning again once they begin therapy. 
10. High blood pressure. If high blood pressure cannot be reduced despite a good diet and regular exercise, then the thyroid function should be examined. An under-active thyroid can produce high cholesterol levels, which in the worst case scenario can lead to an enlarged heart or cardiac arrest.
11. Increased appetite or change in taste sensation. Are things suddenly tasting different? This can be a sign of an under-active thyroid. If you can't stop eating, then it could be related to a low functioning thyroid. An overactive thyroid could also be a problem, when despite the increased appetite there is no weight gain. This almost sounds like a dream come true, but it is an illness and needs to be dealt with urgently as the body quickly suffers deficiencies.
12. Neck or throat pain. As a result of the disfunction, the thyroid itself is evidently painful. If you have no other cold symptoms but still feel pain in this area of your throat, and your voice changes or you notice any swelling, you should see a doctor.
To determine a physical change in your thyroid there is a easy test you can do. Simply look in the mirror and focus your eye on the position where the thyroid is. This is just under the adams apple and above the collar bone. Then drink a sip of water and observe the area during swallowing to see if a large lump grows. Don't confuse the bump with the adams apple, and repeat the test a few times. If you notice any abnormalities, then consult a doctor.

Share this article with everyone that you know and make them aware of the dangers caused by this organ that are so often under estimated.

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