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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Innocent Man Dies After Cop Smashed His Head into the Concrete

An innocent Seattle man was killed by a cop, his death ruled a homicide, and the cop who did it never got a slap on the wrist.

Seattle, WA — An innocent man has died this week after being in a coma and on life support since he was brutally attacked by a Seattle cop.
On May 10, 2009, Christopher Harris was walking down the street when he noticed 2 men, dressed in all black, running after him. As anyone would do when threatened by two maniacs chasing after you, Harris ran.
When the maniacs, who happened to be King County sheriff’s deputies, caught up to Harris, one of them, Deputy Matthew Paul, threw the entire weight of his body into Harris, sending Harris’ head smashing into the concrete. Harris would never regain consciousness.
On Thursday, Harris finally succumbed to his injuries from that attack. According to the Thurston County Coroner’s Office, Harris died of “Acute and chronic pneumonia of the lungs, due to medical sequelae, due to blunt head trauma,” and his manner of death has been ruled a homicide.
Deputy Paul never received so much as a slap on the wrist for his brutal negligence. In spite of a $10 million settlement paid out to Harris’ family in 2011, Paul remained on the force and on full duty.
The department never even conducted an investigation into the matter.
In police state USA, a cop can kill a man, on video, and no one even bats an eye.


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