Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, December 10, 2015

I can’t believe what this man secretly does to his wife.

Patty Sanchez was overjoyed! Recently in a new relationship with a wonderful man, the future looked rosy. Her boyfriend loved her madly - but he also had a bizarre passion: he loved to watch Patty eat. More than that, he wanted Patty to continually eat, and to eat much too much. She should put on weight and get fat and round for him. This type of person is known as a "feeder". It's hard to believe the extremes that he went to. 
In the beginning it was harmless, Patty was very strong, and still happy. She still physically able to move and leave the house. The worst however, was still to come. 
She was forced to eat more and more. Regardless of whether she felt sick or not - her man wanted more! It turned into a psychological horror-trip, because she loved him, but noticed that she was continually ruining her body. She constantly put on more weight just to please him. She became depressed and had health problems. She didn't want to believe what was happening to her. 
Her husband had effectively fattened her up, forcing her to consume around 13000 calories per day (normal intake is 2000). She recited her normal breakfast: "I had to eat so much food: bread with gravy. Sausages, ham, beans. Orange juice. At least 4 eggs. Butter, cheese and marmalade. This is just in one sitting - every day." In the end she was really dependent on food and weighed 330kg. It was still not enough.
Soon, she couldn't even walk by herself. Each step was agonising. Even sitting hurt, and Patty was slowly being crushed by her own weight. She withdrew more and more, rarely going out, only finding comfort in food - a vicious cycle. A smile was torturous and she could only pull herself together for important family celebrations. 
Patty had had enough! She couldn't continue living like this and wanted something else. She ended her unhealthy relationship and began again, eating normal portions. Fruit and vegetables instead of fats and sweets. It was hard, but she remained determined and has already seen the first success. 
Step by step she gains her life back. Together with her sons, she's beginning to move again, and has already lost 120kg. Patty knows that she still has a long way to go, but it's worth it. She tells all women: "Look after yourself. The negatives far outweigh the positive. I was dependant. I would have died, if I had continued on the way I was going."
If you find this story moving, then share it with all of your friends. And maybe next time you'll think differently, when you encounter a woman like Patty? 

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