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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Have You Ever Seen Strange Floating Things Out Of The Corner Of Your Eye? THIS Is What They Are

If you’ve seen little bug-looking dots and squiggles in your eyes, you’re certainly not alone. They’re often called “floaters,” or “flying flies,” though the scientific name for them is “muscae volitantes.”

The phenomenon occurs when proteins detach in the eye and cast shadows in the retina.
These floaters and the shadows they cause are not at all dangerous. The only reason they become seen is because they move close to the retina. The brain actually filters out their presence for you. Thanks, B.
What you’re about to see is a much more in-depth explanation for these little things and what they may mean for your overall eye health.
It’s definitely worth it to better understand muscae volitantes.

Please watch the clip and SHARE with everyone on Facebook!

This post was republished from You can find the original post here.

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