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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Couple Builds Greenhouse Around Home to Grow Food and Keep Warm

The typical January temperatures in Stockholm Sweden are normally around 27 degrees Fahrenheit.  Not a temperature that is overly pleasant when if you are living there without a way to heat your home.
Amazingly, though, Charles Sacilotto and Marie Grammar and their young son have been able to create a nice environmentally friendly home that lies within a greenhouse that escapes the harsh winters.
Just recently the awesome couple gave Fair Companies a little tour of their “Naturhus” or (Nature House) that is encompassed by a 4-millimeter pane of glass that cost the family about $84,000 for the installation.
Inspired by the Swedish eco-architect Bengt Warne, who was also Charles’ mentor, the families Naturhus was then constructed on the site of an older summer home on a Stockholm archipelago.
There are so many enormous advantages of being able to live inside a greenhouse.  The sunlight shines through and helps to heat the home during the day and also helps keep the home warm in the evening due to the residual heat that is stored in the bedrock that is below the home.  The roof deck is also set up in a way for year-round activities such as playing with their son, doing some sunbathing or even reading in the nice temperature that the Naturhus creates.
With this wonderfully constructed Naturhus, the environmentally conscious family stands as being incredibly self-sufficient.  They are able to collect rainwater for all the household needs as well as water for their plants.  They also compost their garden and kitchen waste to ensure it is recycled back into their own little ecosystem.
Charles Sacilotto, whose profession is in the field of engineering, even helped to design and built his home’s sewage system.  According the people at Fair Companies who was able to go on a tour of the Naturhus stated that,
“the sewage system begins with a urine-separating toilet and uses centrifuges, cisterns, grow beds and garden ponds to filter the water and compost the remains.”
Since their entire home has been transformed into a huge greenhouse, the family is able to grow their own sources of food such as grapes, herbs, cucumbers, figs and tomatoes that wouldn’t normally survive the Scandinavian winter.
You may be wondering the same question I did: Is it really safe to live inside of a glass greenhouse?
Luckily Charles was able to answer that question during the tour with Fair Companies.  Charles said that,
“It’s security glass.  So in principle this can’t break. If it ever does, it will break in tiny pieces to not harm anyone.”
Below is the video of the awesome tour of the families Naturhus.  Check it out and see what you think.  I for one would love to convert my home to something wonderful like this.

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