Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

1 Thousands Of People Have Improved Their Vision Using This Unique Method.

For many of us, our eyes go bad after some time. It becomes harder to see close to your face or further away. Sometimes we can’t really see either anymore.

Wearing glasses or contacts usually helps, but is there a way to repair your vision? Definitely! Here’s how:

  1. Make sure you give your eyes a rest for 3 hours a day.
  2. Do the 16 simple exercises you see on the chart below to improve your vision and strengthen your eyes. All you have to do is follow the lines in the picture below with your eyes.
  3. Spend some time not wearing glasses every day.
  4. Massage your eyes very gently several times a day.
  5. Try not to look at computer screens more than you have to.
  6. Spend time in nature looking at the things we’re really supposed to.
  7. Gently press warm, damp cloths against your eyes for a half hour every day.
  8. Drink carrot juice every day.
If this is your first time trying this exercise, it helps to focus on an item and stare at it for a while. Your mind will absorb the meaning of the symbol. Your eyes may water and want to close a little bit. This means they’re relaxed.
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