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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

She Sells Carnations To Pay For Her Cancer Treatments, How People Treat Her Is Disgusting!

Lisa Basler, lived a normal life.

But on January 14, 2011 Lisa was diagnosed with Stage IV Angiosarcoma of the scalp. And she was told her life was going to change forever. Her cancer was due to spread to the abdomen, the lungs, intestines and even brain. Doctors told her that her outlook was grim, and she didn’t have much time left. She has endured many painful rounds of chemotherapy and has underwent many surgeries which have included a complete hysterectomy, a double mastectomy, numerous spinal taps, bone marrow aspirations and removal of her right kidney.

What makes matters worse is that Lisa’s cancer is an unusually rare and aggressiveform that many doctors have not seen. This being said, Lisa still wants to be normal. She doesn’t want to give up. She’s a fighter. She chooses to go to work, in a floral shop to sell flowers when she’s not bedbound or hospital bound. Her job decided to do something special for her. For every flower she sells, they will match it, all going towards her expensive medical bills. You’d expect every human being to be sympathetic towards Lisa, but how one man treats her is absolutely disturbing. Just when I had started to give up hope, something happened that restored my faith in humanity and made my eyes well up with tears.
Watch the video below:

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