Most Amazing Incidents in the World


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Thursday, August 20, 2015

This Poor Man Was Rejected by A Rich Man’s Daughter. 10 Years Later, He Meets Her Again

How do you find the perfect partner? There are those who we pass by for all the wrong reasons.
We write them off for maybe not having enough money or not looking the ideal way we envision. So many lost opportunities pass us by because of superficial beliefs. It takes us a while, but eventually many of us come around to realizing that smarts, personality, humor, and a genuine connection between one another is the key to an ideal partner. Sometimes it can sadly be too late though.
Here’s a fun story circulating the internet about a woman who never really gave a certain man a chance because of his finances. Fast forward ten years and the two meet again. She is quick to tell the man of her current situation. The trophy wife who believed money was the key received a big shock when she found out that there was a connection between her new husband and this man she once passed up. Great story, and a great lesson on so many levels!
Read the story below:
“A poor boy was in love with a rich man’s daughter. Overcome with his love for the girl, the boy proposed to her. However, the rich girl derisively rejected him and said, “Your monthly salary is equivalent to my daily expenses. How do you expect me to marry someone like you? I can never love you so forget about me.
Go find and marry someone else of your level.” Despite being rejected so hurtfully, for some reason, the boy could not forget her so easily. Roughly 10 years later, they ran into each other accidentally in a shopping mall.
“She immediately recognized the man and said, “Hey, how are you? I’m now married to a very smart man, and his salary is $15,700 per month! Can you beat that?” The man, hearing those painful words from the woman he used to care for, held back his tears and said nothing. Not a few moments passed when the woman’s husband came back to her side. But before the lady could say a word, her husband immediately recognized the man she was talking to and said, “Sir? G-good afternoon! I see you’ve met my wife!” “Good afternoon too, Mr…?”, said the man. “Mr. Carter, Sir!” The husband then turned to his wife and said, “Dear, I’d like you to meet my boss. He owns the $100 million project I’ve been working on!” The woman, left flabbergasted by the turn of events, was not able to say anything back. The man just smiled and said, “Well, Mr. Carter. I’ve got to get going. I have important things to attend to. It was splendid seeing you today. Have a great day!” For a minute, the couple just stared at the man as he walked away.”
“Having been over her initial shock, the woman asked her husband in disbelief, “That was your boss?” “Yes, dear. He’s a very humble person but his life is quite a sad story. They said he once loved a lady but she dumped him because he was just a poor boy back then. Because of that, he worked really hard. And because he’s smart, he became successful. Now he’s a multimillionaire who earns millions of dollars a month. Unfortunately though, he couldn’t move on from that heartbreak and remains unmarried still.” The husband went on and said, “How lucky would that lady have been if she had married that man?” The lady looked in total shock and couldn’t utter a word.“
The moral of the story is to never be so quick to judge. Things change and your attitude may very well may come back to bite you in the butt. Furthermore, taking your rejection and turning it into a force to be reckon with, rather than remaining depressed and broke, can have very interesting results. While the man did indeed change, he also found out that the woman did not, and was still concerned about money over true love.
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